
All our courses are practical and customisable making sure that participants gain practical skills and knowledge they can readily use in their jobs.

Real-life case studies

Our training courses are built upon real-life projects carried out by our team, ensuring that they are highly practical and applicable to real-world scenarios. We can also tailor courses to your specific projects incorporating your data in our training materials.


Adaptable approach

We offer different course versions to cater to both technical and non-technical audiences. The analyst-oriented versions prioritise technical aspects, while the manager-centric versions place a strong emphasis on interpretation and policy implications.



Our team combines academic rigour with practical application, ensuring that the knowledge and skills acquired are both scientifically rooted and applicable in real-world contexts.


Sample of previously delivered training courses

  • Introducing Python programming to non-programmers

    Provides a solid foundation in Python programming, introducing several key tools, including Python libraries, data frames, data management functions, as well as basic loops and conditional statements.

    Interesting fact: While you may associate the word python with a large snake, the name of the Python programming language actually comes from an old BBC television comedy sketch series called Monty Python's Flying Circus.

  • Discovering the fascinating world of Stata

    Covers essential topics in data management and analysis including creating, transforming, and recoding variables, merging and appending datasets, generating summary statistics and frequency tables, and using do-files to automate tasks.  

    Interesting fact: Stata 1.0, initially launched in January 1985, primarily served as a regression package with limited data management features, encompassing a total of 44 commands. Notably, the generate and regress commands have their origins traced back to this first release.

  • Modelling with style

    Utilises real-world case studies to illustrate the practical application of Excel in economic analysis, emphasising useful functions and best practices for data analysis and structuring.  

    Interesting fact: When Microsoft Excel was initially released in 1985, it could handle up to 16,035 rows. With time, the software kept evolving and today it can handle more than 1,048,576 rows per sheet.

  • Demonstrating value for money

    Offers comprehensive guidance on conducting a CBA aligned with government best practices and the HM Treasury Green Book methodology.

    Interesting fact: The HM Treasury Green Book is named for its distinctive green cover, which has been a characteristic feature since its first edition in 2003. The green cover helps distinguish it from other government publications.

  • Identifying causality

    Uses real case studies to demonstrate the application of alternative statistical methods, including propensity score matching, difference-in-difference (DiD), and regression discontinuity, for programme evaluation.

    Interesting fact: The first prominent application of the DiD method can be traced back to the 1980s, when economists David Card and Alan Krueger used it to study the impact of the minimum wage on employment utilising data from fast-food restaurants in New Jersey, which raised its minimum wage, and neighbouring Pennsylvania, which did not raise its minimum wage.

  • Demystifying econometrics

    Introduces fundamental econometrics concepts such as regression analysis, hypothesis testing, model selection, and diagnostic testing in plain language, with a focus on intuitive understanding and interpretation.

    Interesting fact: The term “regression” was introduced by Francis Galton in the 19th century to describe a biological phenomenon in which the heights of offspring from tall ancestors tend to regress toward the population average. This phenomenon is commonly referred to as “regression toward the mean”.


To find out more about our training courses and how they can be adapted to your organisation’s needs, email us here.